Mar 2024 WordPress Student Workshop

Student Workshop for Mar 2024

Great work for those students who join our WordPress 101 Workshop during the March break camp in 2024.  It was a 3 days online session with two hours each day.  Our 10X Hub expert instructors Sharmin Oomatia and Pradeep Kumar taught the high school students whom had zero background in WordPress.  The high school student then had the opportunity to choose which small businesses to practice their newly learned skills,  The real small businesses were a community cafe named SBGC Tamabanyan Cafe in Mississauga and Forever Belle Beauty Service that is run by a senior owner in Markham.  The student created fabulous and professional websites with the help of our expert instructors for debugging and answering any questions.   

This video captures the amazing work that the students did in a mere 6 hours workshop. Truly marvelous!

The business owners will select the website format that they like.  The students will work with the business owner online to present, discuss, and finalize the website.  10X Hub will help to migrate the websites into the business owner’s real server. 

Our workshop provide valuable experiential learning experience for high school student that not only enable them to learn one more skill but also have the opportunity to interact and communicate with business owners directly.   In addition, the small business also benefits.

If you are a high school students who might be interested in our next workshop, please sign up here

If you are a small business who might need help technically, please sign up here.